PDFkit in Firefox

There was one reason I used Safari rather than Firefox, and it has recently evaporated. I read a lot of PDF files (>20 per day browsing papers etc) so I was tired of the extra files accumulating in my download folder. You may know that Safari uses Appe’s PDFkit to display PDF files in your browser window, no muss no fuss. Until recently, the options in Firefox were the Adobe plugin (slow) or a privately developed solution tht requires an Intel machine. Enter a fantastic add-on, available at firefox-mac-pdf – Google Code.

Article Widget

Article WidgetIt’s been around for a bit, but I figured I should post about a little side project I’ve been working on. As a physicist, I spend a lot of time tracking down citations; and typically they are in a handful of journals. Rather than bookmarking the journal homepage or search box, I realized that reverse-engineering the search URL for each journal was pretty simple. After that, it was just a matter of wrapping a little mac dashboard widget around them and presto: 1-click article retrieval.More details at the project page: http://www.phy.duke.edu/~dawes/computing/articlewidget.php